Another morning, another blue sky, I’ve left the hut maybe 15 minutes ago, this is the view looking back
The Forbes Mountains to my left
As I work my way up to the east of the valley, towards the Rees Saddle
Looking back towards Mt Clarke
View towards the south: Cleft Peak
Approaching the Rees Saddle
Just one more climb and it’s downhill from there again
On the saddle, once more a look back to where I came from
Snowy Creek which leads up to the Tyndall Glacier, not going in here
I continue down the Dart Track instead
Well, after a selfie that is
Ok, 2 selfies
Looking back south towards the saddle and Snowy Creek
Looking north, Marion Tower in the distance
This area is really beautiful
Lots of little waterfalls adding to the Dart River
I’m glad there’s a bridge over the river (it will be removed during winter)
And I’m fortunate enough to enjoy the view
Seriously, what’s not to like?
Again looking back towards the saddle and Cleft Peak
At the Dart Hut! That’s enough for today
Track log of today, distance was about 11 km and that took about 6 hours