We woke up to another gloomy looking sky but at an amazing place with awesome views

I had no idea if there was a track going even further north so I thought I’d send up the drone to investigate

It definitely looked fantastic towards where we’d like to go but it was difficult to see a track
A little drone video

Today I’m armed with just a PLB and a camera

So we just went for it and luckily there actually was some kind of marked path, and stunning views along the Canyon Creek

Canyon Creek, as cold as it’s clear

All these little streams come from the Huxley Range and Thurneysen Glacier

The path we’re following doesn’t get walked a lot and is difficult to follow but the views are rewarding

And if you’re thirsty you can simply drink the water, no filtering needed

And it tastes sooo good!

Looking back at the Ahuriri Valley

Yay! The weather is getting better, finally some blue sky over the Huxley Range

And now that I’ve climbed higher I get a a good view of the Thurneysen Glacier

I would have liked to follow the track higher up the mountain but it’s not even listed on NZ Topo Map so I have no idea where it ends so I decide to descend again where Rachel was waiting as she didn’t want to climb as high as I did

Almost back at the Canyon Creek

The view looking back

Back at where we camped and left the backpacks

The Huxley Range

We’re now on our way back towards where we parked the car, still a long way to go

Just rock, water and trees here

Oh, and some grass

Déja vu

One last view back

Our exit out of the valley is just to the right of that dip, where the diagonal part begins

I’m mostly smiling because it’s just downhill from here

This is that exit, looking back down to where the previous photo was taken, the grassy patch

We enjoy another little rest

The view towards Little Canyon Creek

Back at the valley floor

Barrier Range again

Not far to the car now where there’s some well deserved chocolate to eat and diet coke to drink!

Rachel not far behind me, it was an amazing overnight trip!

Back at the car it’s time for some toasties, so hungry!

We camp next to the Ahuriri Valley with a great view of the southern end of the Barrier Range

And the Huxley Range in the distance
It was a steep scramble at the end of the track up to the waterfall, but very well worth it for the view and to drink from the pool.