It’s Waitangi Day, the weather is great and so I decide to go kayaking on the Avon, I parked my car right next to the river, got the kayak out of the car and inflated it (takes about 15 minutes to completely set it up)

The kayak, ready for action, the river flows from the right in the photo to the left, I will be going right, starting my track upstream

On my way, damn, this is lovely!! It’s been too long since I kayaked

One of the new bridges that were placed after previous ones were replaced because of earthquake damage

There’s a little side track here, you can go under that bridge, let’s do it!

This is where it ends up, nice for a break as you’re not dragged downstream which does happen on the Avon itself

In fact it’s very easy to drag the kayak on the shore here and stretch your legs before continuing

And continue I do

Near Pomeroy’s Old Brewery Inn is another easy way to get on shore again, clearly it’s also a very easy and fun way for some of Christchurch’s finest to dump supermarket trolleys in the river

Of course I get the trolley out of the river and leave it here, hopefully someone else will do the rest of the work and take it back to the supermarket

The river goes a lot further upstream but quickly gets too low for a kayak so I take another photo of the upstream river and then make my very easy downstream way back to my car, another well used day!

A map of the kayaking, the trip was 12.7 km and took 4.5 hours
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