Time for another (little) walk, the Leith Hill Loop Track, which starts in Castle Hill Village

It starts with a tiny stream to be crossed

Nice views looking back at Castle Hill Village and the Torlesse Range

Parts of the track go through forest

That’s Castle Hill (not the village but the rocks) to our left, been there a few times as well

Lots of these on the trees

They’re quite pretty

It’s quite nippy in the shade of the forest, but sunshine is just around the corner

Lovely day, great views, Castle Hill Village

The heighest point of the track, you can also walk to the summit higher up (we didn’t)

Another look back down at Castle Hill and the Torlesse Range

After crossing this stream again we have as good as completed the loop track

After our little hike we decide to return via Lake Coleridge, which leads us to Lake Lyndon and beyond where DOC have once again made things more restrictive, putting up fences and whatnot

This area is actually also one of our landout options (for gliding)

Mt Hutt Range in the distance

Lake Coleridge comes into view
