We didn't get much sleep as there was some stupidly strong southerly throwing the tent around the entire night, in the morning it was getting too much so we decided to take down the tent to hopefully prevent any damage

Gone tent

The forecast for the south for the next couple of days is bad weather, so we decide to move north where it is supposed to be better. We ended up at the Eyre Mountains where we’ve been before and opt to go to the Mt Bee hut again, which is up in these very mountains

It looks like we’re going to get rain here too

We made it to Mt Bee hut, a proper 4WD track to get there and nobody else is there today

We even get some shunshine up here

This is such an amazing place for a hut

Me, thoroughly enjoying my first ever puffer jacket, it really keeps me warm, love it!

Inside the hut we keep warm by having the fire going, we can even cook on the stove though it’s not very fast

We spend hours trying to play a Trivial Pursuit version from like 40 years ago with heaps of totally outdated questions, tough!
Stunning views, cosy kitchen.
The game may be forty years old but we are older. And the history and science questions aren’t outdated. Just the arts and literature stuff.