Yay! Holiday. This is the road to Hanmer

It’s not looking all that great ahead of us

But it turns out to be not as bad as it looked

In fact it looks lovely, though the wind is very strong. Almost at Hanmer here

Jetboating, must be awesome in those canyons

View to the south from Clarence Valley Rd

On the track to Mt Isobel, looking north, the wind is picking up

Summit in sight

View south-west towards Lake Sumner

View east towards the summit, the photos don’t show it but the wind is really getting strong now

Lot’s of asses here

Rachel is having trouble walking straight, the wind is stupidly strong now and almost blowing us off the mountain

But she did eventually make it to the summit

As did I

View north again towards, this is where we’ll be heading afterwards

Descending again

Tophouse Rd and the Clarence River

Bridge over the Clarence River, just south of the Acheron Accomodation House and DOC campsite

Inside the Acheron Accomodation House

Wow, super mooie foto’s. Die kleuren daar, bijna surrealistisch zo mooi!
Beautiful! Seems a long time ago already.