That was another night at a great camping spot: cheap and great views

We start the day by having a look at the beach at Hansen Creek

Interesting rocks here

This is where the seafulls drop shells on, so they break and the birds can get to the food inside the shell

Nice view from one of the caves here

Many kilometers of beach and we are the only ones here

I see a face in that rock on the left, looking towards the sea

This to me looks like a big crocodile, or an alligator

Rachel inspecting the rocks

Not puddles in the mud but in the rock

Lots of interesting structures on this beach

And very brown water

Sheltered from potential rain, might be nice to sleep here one day

I tried to push over this rock but it didn’t play ball

The view from the beach up the dune where the car is parked

Second part of the day: kayaking on the Wairoa River, the timing has got to be right, start with incoming tide

We paddle a bit but are definitely assisted by the incoming tide pushing us further inland

We’re not the only ones, I wonder where the river will end (begin)

Well, that’s the end for us, can’t get beyond that

Back at the car at the Whanganui Inlet
A little video of the kayaking

And a revisit of Wharariki Beach, just so I can send the drone up, I forgot to do that 2 days ago
Wharariki Beach

And that concludes yet another beautiful day
There’s also a face on the right in that photo. It’s got its mouth open and looks to be in despair
Indeed! I see it as well now.