We have decided to walk to Trig M today, this is the view looking back East
This must be the 10th time I do this walk but it’s a good little walk to test my new daytrip backpack (verdict: it’s too small for me)
Quite a strong wind here and still heaps of snow, on the way back it had all disappeared
Foggy Peak on the far left
Craigieburn range in the distance
Rachel doing fine
Ben More on the far right, Rachel trying hard not to blend in
A bit of Lake Lyndon and the Craigieburn range in the distance
Torlesse range with Foggy Peak on the right. wave clouds starting to form in the sky and Rachel looking forward to reaching to summit
Yours truly
My ‘face mask’, I normally use it when paragliding but it’s very useful here too
What a landscape!
The summit!
We’ve reached it. Hurrah!
View towards the Black Hill range, landout strip for gliding in the middle of the photo
Trig M, Torlesse, Craigieburn range, Lake Lyndon and wave clouds all in 1 photo
This view makes the 5 hour return completely worth it
Wind is picking up now and wave clouds are forming more and more
Last photo in sunshine for the day, soon after this photo the sky had all turned grey
Map of the route we walked: the Coach Stream Route followed by the Trig M route to the top, and back again
beautiful place and brilliant photos 😉
I see what you did there.