It doesn’t look all too flash for gliding today so I decided to go to the Lake Ohau area, this is one beautiful car with the Ohau Range in the background

A little picnic area and Ben Ohau in the background

Once again that awesome car that will go pretty much anywhere

Lake Ohau, Neumann Range in the background

There’s even a landout paddock here

I ended up driving all the way up to the Ohau Skifield and decided to try to walk from there to Dumb-bell Lake, this is looking back the way I came shortly after the start, in Winter it’d be full of people skiing here

It’s very steep walking up to the ridge and there’s no track so I basically had to scramble my way up the scree slope

But once on the ridge it’s a lot easier and the view is marvelous. I walked up past that little lake end reached the ridge behind that spur

The view of Dumb-bell Lake. Superb. I thought about walking to it but I started my hike too late to pull that off

Not that I’ve been there but the landscape is like walking on Mars

I couldn’t decide which photo of the lake I like most so here’s another one

And another one, which one do you think is the nicest?

Walking up to Mt Sutton

It’s me, and I need haircut

Very rugged landscape

At Mt Sutton, looking towards Omarama

Mt Cook somewhere behind me

Ah, there it is

Clouds are slowly drifting in

I’m on the way back now

Back at the ski field, so that’s the slope I scrambled up against earlier in the day, I took a different, faster route down (with very loose scree, impossible to walk up against)

That was an awesome day! One day I’ll walk up to the lake and camp there though

Map of the track, so I drove up to the end of the zig zag road and from there walked past the little lake to the ridge, then turned south to the ridge west of Mt Sutton to look at Dumb-bell Lake, then to Mt Sutton itself and back again
Dit is een test, en de foto’s zijn mooi!
Ik stem dus voor de eerste foto!