Holiday Day 7 – Eyre Creek to Lake Monowai

After a cold night we wake up to a clear blue sky

It’s so cold that it’s time for some yummie toasties first

And then back to enjoying the view

This is the valley through which the Eyre Creek runs, it pretty much splits the Eyre Mountains in half, this is the view to the north-west

And the view south-east, where we came from yesterday and are heading back to today

The Shepherd Creek Hut

And some drone footage

On our way back towards Athol

I love being able to explore valleys I would never be able to without a proper 4WD, so beautiful here



Bye bye valley, we’ll be back some other time

A video of the 4WD track

We drove to Lake Monowai and discover there’s actually not much to do here, except a small walk, the Monowai Lookout Track

It’s about half an hour from the car park to the end of the track, it leads us through a forest with lots of fungi on the trees

And at the end this view of Lake Monowai

We are at the southern tip of McBrides Peninsula here

Our campsite for the night

3 thoughts on “Holiday Day 7 – Eyre Creek to Lake Monowai

  1. Gaaf die dronebeelden als hij laag door de vallei vliegt! Bijna als een jetfighter in de mach loop..

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