Today I’m on trip with a lot of other Jimnys, it’s clear that Jungle Green is by far the most popular colour in this group (and a very wise choice)

We all met in Springfield and the vague plan is to drive towards the Lake Lyndon area and have some fun somewhere, because Porter’s Pass was closed we went via Glentunnel and Windwhistle

Some people have funny registrations on their car (IDKLOL)

I’m thoroughly enjoying the beautiful scenery, it’s been a while since I saw this area fully covered with snow

Adam’s Jimny, he runs the jimny.co.nz website and organised today

Normally I fly over these mountains

But it’s so awesome to be driving my Jimny here now

We’re having a little break

Mt Cotton

After our break we continue towards Lake Lyndon

Mt Hutt and Palmer Range in the distance

Adam returning from what turned out to be a dead-end

And off we go again

Someone didn’t take the corner the correct way and is now stuck

Adam with the help of the winch on his Jimny pulled the Jimny that was stuck out of the sludge

Off to the westernmost point of Lake Lyndon

What a day!

Torlesse Range in the distance

Foggy Peak and Castle Hill Peak on the Torlesse Range, Lake Lyndon in the foreground

Looking back

We’re at Lake Lyndon, Porter’s Pass is open now so there’s heaps of people visiting this winter wonderland

A few more group photos with all the participating Jimnys

Looking at Mt Hutt again, it was an interesting day, just way too short
A little video of today
That looked beautiful . Mt Cotton was definitely an apt name that day