Today a visit to Washpen Falls, this is the office where you pay the $10 (adult) maintenance fee

The first part of the track goes through some forest

Once out of the forest we are greeted by some nice views of the surrounding hills

Back in to forest again, rocky formations

Not really a cave but kind of

Back to the nice views over the Canterbury Plains

I’m seeing faces in the rocks again

The actual falls

In summer I might have enjoyed a swim, too cold now

We continue, there’s supposed to be some lake coming up

But first we descend through forest again

This looks lovely. Clear water, I will definitely have a soak in here if I come back in summer

Ah, the lake. It’s small yet it has a canoe in there

We have a go at canoeing as well

Remnants of something they were doing here, I don’t remember what it said on the information sign

Lots of these on the trees here

A Kererū in the tree

And someone built a swing here!

So we both have a go at it, woohoo

Across from where we parked the car there are some alpacas in a paddock, we entered the paddock to get a little closer to them

Unlike many other animals these alpacas seem to leave all their (very small) droppings in a big pile, not seen that before