Not really a flying day today, so I asked around if anyone was up for a little trip to the Quailburn Track, there were and so we went, here we have just arrived by car and this is looking back towards the Benmore Range

John, who was kind enough to use his car to get us all there, quickly made himself some makeshift walking poles

Group photo from left to right: John, Rick, Sol(omon), Kristoff, me

I keep hoping someone loses his balance and falls/steps into the little stream we are constantly crossing (wet feet, haha!) but alas, it doesn’t happen

Up and up

Almost there, Rick!

The Bush Line

Rick and Sol, such adventurers! From the Bush Line you can continue to the East Ahuriri River which is another hour

We do indeed continue (but won’t go all the way to the East Ahuriri River)

View towards the Ahuriri

We are in NZ so somewhere there has to be a fence that serves no purpose

This is how far we went before returning, just far enough to give us a view towards the Ahuriri

I was missing on the previous photo so asked Kristoff to take this one of me

Sol with his ‘Edelweiss’, so happy!

Sol single-handedly preventing this tree from falling over, hero!

I’ve been here before a few times, it has changed quite a bit after some storm I believe, so sad

So dangerous!

Giving the ludicrous NZ housing prices this ‘Townhouse with potential, looking for a new and loving owner’ would likely still sell for half a million
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