Today I go to Big Buddha again, it’s a nice ride on the scooter and it keeps you cool (the driving). No idea who the gentleman in the photo is but it’s definitely not Big Buddha

Lots of golden (well, not real I presume) statues here of Buddha knows who

Long snakes guarding the steps towards Buddha

There is the odd lovely breeze up here, that’s sooo nice

Does a human have 32 organs? I don’t know, I’m not a doctor

7 minutes happy meditation

Extremely happy

Tourists getting blessed by a monk is what I think is happening here

Head meets tail

Jolly old chap mister Buddha

Chalong in the distance

Chalong Pier, this is where the boats for all the diving around Phuket leave from

Lots of elephant heads

And snakes

Dragon, or is it 2 dragons? Siamese dragons perhaps? And which one decides what direction to walk in? So many questions

Not sure if it’s visivle in the photo but this Buddha has a black nose, the Thai touch his nose (for good luck?) and over time it has rubbed off the gold paint

More statues, more every year it seems

I don’t know if there’s any religious significance to it but mister Big is facing due east

Hey! There are monkeys running around here!

Ah, they’re cute!

Or at least they look cute, as you have to really guard your belongings or they will steal everything from you given the chance, which almost happened to this lady, luckily the staff here is constantly scaring and chasing the monkeys away

Which is a shame as they are so great for a photo

And they monkeys have been living here forever (I guess)

Everywhere in the forest below us there are monkeys in the trees

Jumping big distances from tree to tree

Buddha has been watching too much Steve Irwin

It’s already stupidly hot for me, imagine what it must feel like wearing a fur coat like Madame Puss here

Anyway, that was Big Buddha again. I haven’t had pizza so this evening I had a yummy pizza. Pizza is still kind of a novelty here so they are pretty expensive and mostly something for tourists
If you are bored to death then here's a (sped up) video of today's scooter trip