Second day of the liveaboard. Wake up call is at 06:00 which is in time to take a photo of the sunrise, especially when you’re not sleeping in your cabin but on the roof of the boat like I do

So, diving again. The day starts with this Butterflyfish, this might be the best photo of one I’ve taken so far, they are very camera shy and normally face away from you the moment you look at them


If this was painting I’d call it “Coral with green fish”

And this one “Yellow fish”

I wish I had a macro lens (well I do, but not for this camera and not for underwater use) to capture this in more detail

Looks like a bright orange Christmas tree to me

Coral Grouper

I need a second strobe, to get rid of that shadow

If you don’t pay attention for too long you can easily lose the group

What a clown this fish

Diving under arches

And in caves

This HUGE fish was at the entrance of the cave

It’s still pretty dark, which makes it hard to take decent photos of things outside of the strobe’s reach

Sea Krait (a snake)

Cleaner Fish cleaning the (I think) Snapper

That was the first dive, now it’s time for our surface interval and in 2 hours or so we can do the next dive

After every dive we always hang up our swimwear to dry and put on some dry clothing (but not in that order)

Tentacles of the Sea Cucumber’s mouth

Lots of Christmas Tree Worms in the foreground, a bunch of divers in the background

Found him!

Big fan coral, I tried to get the fan coral itself lit so that it would contrast nicely with the dark blue background, this is the best I could do


Close up of those things, their surface isn’t smooth, they have lines on them, like fingerprints

We need to ascend through this ‘chimney’

And that’s where you come out again (the bright light, that’s the torch of the diver that was behind me)
And a little video of that

End of the second dive. Back on the boat again. It always amazes me how trees can grow on a surface like these rocks at Koh Haa

Third dive, more Nemos

Amazing that the current doesn’t rip the coral away from the rock

Puffer, with their cute huge eyes

I think these are Common Bluestripe Snappers

Damn, even an easily recognizable fish like this I just can’t seem to Google! I will therefore refer to it as “White Striped Behind The Eye Brown Fish With A White Tail”

Yellow Tail Snapper?


On our way north (we’re heading to the Similan Islands) we make another dive (and will spend the night) at the Phi Phi Islands

Koh Phi Phi Lee on the left, Koh Phi Phi Don on the right

Fourth dive, at some wreck, the visibility isn’t great

As you can see

The rope tying the buoy (that our boat in turn is attached to) to the wreck, not much fun holding on to this rope for 3 minutes while doing a safety stop in strong current

Koh Phi Phi Lee and boat full of tourists

The fishy photos are getting fantastic! I enjoyed the dive video too and it felt like I was there.
Awww, thanks!
Finding Nemo vibe
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