I’m in Khao Lak, I’ve rented a scooter, have a vague idea of what I want to see (some waterfalls) and just started a little road trip. I came across the Chao Pho Khao Lak Shrine, I don’t know what it’s all about but they seem to be very fond of roosters

And tigers


It’s quite busy here, between me taking photos a few people came here to bring some offerings

Here they say it’s the shrine of the Khalok God (whoever that is)

Whoever he is, he can’t be thirsty as he’s not drinking much from the offerings

The brown thing guarded by elephants in the background turns out to be a little shelter to set off fireworks, see the video on this page as well

Where’s Waldo?

Second item on the agenda, bamboo rafting. I’m here in the wrong season as all water has almost gone by now. The water level is so low that you get a discount

They have tried to ‘dam’ the water, make little canals in which the water level is just high enough to at least float the raft

My ‘guide’ (doesn’t speak a word of English)

Sometimes we go extra slow to see if there something up the trees, like a snake or so

Often the guide needs to get off the raft and actually pull the thing forward, I felt bad about it and got off the raft to make his job lighter but he gestured I could stay seated, ok

Some Thai seem to have their house here

The water is a bit deeper here and people are swimming in it

There’s also a campsite here

Tent, shade, power, water, should be fine

The locals seem happy

End of the trip, it was maybe 40 minutes? Here the rafts get taken of the water and will be trucked back to the beginning

Next, a waterfall, should be a beauty, this is the path to it, I slipped and fell here and almost destroyed the camera that was in my hands, in a split second however I decided to break my fall with my knee instead and saved the camera

Look at that amaaaazing waterfall!

As if I’m back in Norway!

So this is the Lampi Waterfall

Not satisfied with Lampi I decide to go to the Ton Prai Waterfall as well

Not much better, at least not in this season

One of those cute little houses again. You would think birds would occupy them but I’ve seen no evidence of that

Thai Mueang Beach

Looking north

Looking south

Big turtle here

I think this place itself is called Thai Mueang and it looks like this is like the local Chinatown?

Nice mural, better than graffiti, no idea what it says. Leah?

Wat Lak Kaen

I’m back in Khao Lak

Won’t be long before it sets

I tried to get so the sandy beach area here but I get the impression that’s only for resorts

So I watch yet another sunset (the best, with a Diet Coke!) from a restaurant

Where I also enjoy a curry

Very cozy here

Khao Lak has got some awesome looking nightlife

Lots of food stalls



Streets full of them and they all look great

Phet Kasem Rd, the main road going straight through Khao Lak

They have got lots of stalls here with really cheap food, I like!

No idea what they’re dishing up here, some kind of soup?

Looks like seafood to me

This is more my thing, skewers with some meat. I do have to ask them to explain what’s what because even though it might look yummy, there’s some odd things they are offering

But this is (should be) just some chicken, thanks!

I don’t think I want to even know what this is

Oooh! This is good! Lots and lots of sweet things, like donuts

But what do we have here!?

“You vill eat ze bugz”

No thanks!

Anyway, lots of really affordable food here, lots of it very yummy but no place to sit anyway, so it’s really just to get something to eat elsewhere (or just while standing here)

I end my ‘shopping spree’ here with another great mango smoothie
Little video of today
I was just skimming thru and suddenly saw some chinese characters and saw my name…Fine I will sit down and leave a reply.
The first one on the gate says something something (I guess it’s the name of the location) dragon mountain palace… And you read from right to left, it doesn’t sound very chinatown-like to me.
Then the mural, the one one the left is “RICH” and the one on the right literately translates to “ten thousand things all go well with you”.
And the “I donโt think I want to even know what this is” looks like pigs foot. Hey it’s not that disgusting at least you eat other parts of the animal ๐ I won’t touch the bugs though.
Alright I am going there just for the mango. Mango in NZ is yuck!
Hey Leah, thanks for your reply (that I only just noticed)! Okay, I hear you, but it does *look* Chinatown-ish, right? “Then thousand things all go well with you”? Wow. Just 1 for starters would be a welcome change! I’m buying another lottery ticket tomorrow! Pig’s foot? I would never have guessed. Not my cup of tea tbh. I’ll stick to some chicken or pancakes. You’ll absolutely looooove the mango over there! And please try a mango-passionfruit smoothie, they’re the best!