Previous times I have always stayed in Kata Beach at the hotel at the dive school where I did my instructor training, it’s been closed so this time I’m staying in Patong, this is the view from my hotel

I do however rent a scooter and drive from Patong to Kata Beach to check for myself what happened with Kata Big Rock. And it’s such a shame what happened to it! This place used to be absolutely bustling with people, most of them diving students. Unfortunately the owner (living in the gorgeous villa up the hill there) wanted to sell the place (pool + hotel) but was asking way too much, so nobody bought it and now it’s just kind of left to rot

This used to be the kitchen where I ordered countless curries, diet cokes and whatnot, really sad

What is however still there is the best restaurant in Phuket : Koi Restaurant. So for lunch I order my favourite dish: the mussaman curry. Om nom nom!

I can’t get enough of Thai food so my dinner is another curry, from a restaurant close to my hotel in Patong this time, it’s not bad but not Koi quality either
Nice one