I get a Chinese vibe here

Start of the 1260 steps to the top

Jolly old chap

If only these were made of real gold

Donations welcome

Steep steps

Yay! I made it to the top

Statue of Buddha

Small statues

Strong little guys

What a great day for this hike

Buddha, no idea what the thing on his head is

Yay! Free money!

Some large antennas here as well

Stunning scenery

I wonder what this one is made of, glass?

What a view!

More offerings for the elephant

And what’s the story behind the multi-headed snake?

Looking down, they’re constructing yet another temple down there

Almost at ground level again

Tiger, not a real one!

There are some caves her too

Buddha will be well pleased with the cool marble floor here

Tham Meu Seua, great colours

Proper cave stuff

You have no idea how hot it had become and how wellcome the cool of this cave is

More tigers, the tiger is very special here

Long ago a tiger used to live around here and now the temple here is dedicated to this tiger

You guessed it: statues of Buddha

Tiger looks happy

Reminds me of ‘De Efteling-elfjes‘

I’m leaving the temple grounds again, this is looking back at the entrance. It was another good hike with some great views

This is not even a bridge for pedestrians or anything, it’s just something to honour the royal family

It’s nice riding around here, not as busy as Phuket

Back at my hotel, lovely painting on the wall

It’s affordable here, it’s got a swimming pool, nice rooms, and I am the absolute only one here, nuts!

This afternoon I’ll be heading back to Phuket, I say goodbye to Nopparat Thara beach

And what a lovely beach it is

Lots of little shops ar the marina

I am at the Nopparat Thara Pier

A last photo of Krabi before the ferry leaves for Phuket