My second day of diving, let’s see what I can take photos of today, to begin some colourful soft coral

And here, hidden in plain sight, is a Scorpionfish, they are true masters of camouflage and for the non-divers: you do not want to touch them!

We’re at the King Cruiser wreck, this soft coral grows on the wreck, lots of fish here too

Nasty jellyfish, brrr, I hate them

A beautiful Lionfish, again for the non-divers: you don’t want to touch this fish!

A happy looking Moray Eel

Coral, no idea what kind, fan coral?

Same, no idea

But definitely lovely colours

These remind me of Julia sets

My dive buddy today, we are doing our 3 minutes at 5 meters safety stop here

2nd dive, I think this is another Puffer between some fan corals

And a cute baby one

Another Lionfish, lying almost vertically against the coral

No idea what this is but it looks cool

Some Long Snout Butterfly Fish

I get the Long Snout part, just not the Butterfly part

Is this a Snapper?

Anemone and what I assume has to be a Clownfish (since it lives in the Anemone), just not the usual orange/white variety

So many crazy things under water

A shrimp!

And this kind of blistery looking stuff, WTF is that?

Some turban made out of custard is what it looks like to me

Another Scorpionfish

Another Moray Eel

My dive buddy again, he reminds me of Hugo

End of yet another dive

Koh Doc Mai

My dive buddy again, staying well hydrated, important!
Hehe, that moray did look happy 🙂
The butterfly fish looks a bit like the wing of a butterfly. The black dot it has enhances this.