These things again, they look like underwater grapes

Moray Eel


Ghost Pipefishes, now these are special

I’m pretty sure that’s a Trumpetfish

And another Scorpionfish trying to go unnoticed



Red Snapper, I think, but don’t know what variety

Soft corals that dance in the currents

These Scorpionfish would be beautiful if they weren’t so ugly

Are they eggs of some kind?

Now what movie does this remind me of?

Crown-of-thorns Starfish, a very nasty thing

Just nice looking corals

Once again, no idea what kind of fish this is, the colour pattern reminds me of a Giraffe

I was a-maze-d by this coral

We’re doing our safety stop again

End of the first dive

The Phi Phi Islands

Second dive, we stay in the shallows for a bit, hoping to see some small sharks but didn’t see much

A Longfin Batfish

Could this be a Grouper?

This Mortay Eel looked kind of surprised

But it was more than happy to pose for a photo

Another Nudibranch

Lobster, trying to whack me with its tentacles

And what is this!? Some parasite? Or is this what comes out of these egss (if that’s what they are)?

Young Lionfish

Lovely coloured coral

LionFish, this one seems to have all its spines interconnected via some kind of webbing?

Fish galore

More hard coral

A close-up

Leaving the Phi Phi Islands for Shark Point

A lot of Lionfish today!

And Moray Eels

These always look funny to me, and they’re always just lying somewhere, never swimming, unless you scare them

This is also something rather special these crabs but I forgot what they are called

They’re beautiful though, nice patterns

There’s a Flounder hiding in this photo

And this, it could just as well have been some plant living above the water but instead it’s a coral living under water, crazy

A Cuttlefish, not cuddle fish

I see these a lot as well, soft corals curled up like a fern

Yet another Lionfish

And a beautiful purple Anemone

Little coward of a Clownfish hiding in his villa

I don’t think I’ve seen so many Moray Eels in one dive before

See what I mean?

End of the dive at Shark Point
Hoi Edwin,
Ik hoop dat je het niet erg vindt dat ik je nog steeds volg. De connectie met jouw blog is ooit gestart via jouw vader door het zweefvliegen en Nieuw Zeeland. Je maakt schitterende foto’s met boeiend commentaar, ook van je hikes door het prachtige NZ. Nu weer van het duiken. Echt prachtig om te zien.
Gaaf wat je allemaal onderneemt.
Met hartelijke groeten,
Hoi Elly,
Je hoopt dat ik het niet erg vind? In tegendeel! Leuk te weten dat er in ieder geval iemand mijn blog bekijkt! Dank voor het compliment aangaande de foto’s en commentaar, ik doe mijn best. 🙂 Ik hoop dat er nog vele posts mogen komen die je waardeert.
Hartelijke groeten terug,
Wow. i especially like the red snapper, cuttlefish and purple anemone. I would be pretty freaked out by all the scorpion fish – especially if they’re in shallow water where they could be accidentally stepped on?
Scorpionfish tend to stay near coral which you don’t normally find in the shallow water. I have however seen Stonefish (much more dangerous!) in the shallow waters in Dahab in Egypt, you wouldn’t want to step on one of those.