Day 3 of the track, there’s supposed to be rain coming in some time today. This is the view to the east where somewhere in the distance the Daleys Flat Hut is waiting
View back to the west, Mt Ansted in the distance
View west again towards the Barrier Range
Dart River and Barrier Range
More and more cloud drifting in and it’s still about 2 hours to the hut, hopefully no rain before I get there
To the south, the Forbes Mountains, everything is still looking sunny
The scenery here is beautiful
A selfie
Mt Head hidden in these clouds
I know today’s hut will be smaller then the previous one, so not enough beds for all of us, I’m therefore trying to stay ahead of the other walkers which isn’t easy as most of them are younger
There are a couple of beautiful flat areas here, you could land a glider here if you needed to
It’s getting the glider out that’s going to be the difficult part
Then the track suddenly goes through forest again
But forest normally makes for faster walking then tussocks
Once out of the forest I can see the hut! Rain looks imminent
Almost at the hut, one look back
Here we are all in the hut, playing Uno. The big beard is Philip
Being one of the first to arrive here paid off, I had a bed, quite a few people had to sleep on the floor, which is less than ideal of course but everybody was in good spirts, also because a few of us carried some good spirits!
Track log of today, distance was about 17.5 km and that took about 5 hours and 15 minutes