Today I went on a 4WD Jimny Trip with my colleague Charles to Loch Katrine
The Hurunui River
A few years ago I crossed the river right at the bottom left in the photo with my X-Trail, that was not a big success, I’m not even going to try it with the Jimny, the rocks are too big, maybe next time
Looking south roughly in the direction of Esk Head
Continuing west
Lake Taylor with its DOC campsite
What has happened here!? See the video at the bottom of this post to find out why my Jimny’s floor is completely filled with muddy water!
Whatever happened, it had to happen someday
Luckily there were people around to help, good thing I had bought the rope a while ago and installed recovery points
Thanks for your help strangers!
Yay, we made it to Loch Katrine
This really is the furthest west one can go, from here it’s only by foot if you want to continue (we don’t)
Looking back towards Mt Longfellow and Mt Emerson, I regularly fly there
Glynn Wye Range
The eastern side of Lake Taylor, The Sisters in the background, DOC campsite is the grassy area
The DOC campsite again
Once more the Hurunui River
And now... the video showing what happened!
It was a great trip! Thanks Edwin
You’re welcome!