Early morning at Mt Bee, the Jimny is ready for another adventure

It looks like it’s going to be a nice day, no more rain

But first: breakfast!

The Garston Ski Hut, we’ve stayed here a few years ago, today we are just passing by

But we do have a quick look inside and admire the many drawings and wisdoms on the walls

The view from the ski hut to where we came from

Mountains on the other side of the valley

The main event of the day: the Nevis Road!

We have travelled this road before but in the opposite direction

Hmmm, we need to get to the other side, I walk through the water first to see if it’s not too deep or slippery, and it is, both

I need to cross a little back and drive through a muddy bit to get there, but everything went fine

Lovely views

Rachel did I think 80% of the driving today, she’s really getting the hang of it
As shown by this video

The Nevis Road is always special

And here’s a group of batches, I wonder how often the owners come to live there, and what they do there?

And when were these batches built?

I think these have eroded away a bit more compared to last time we were here

This time I climbed on top

See? That’s me up there

The mighty Jimny enjoying its break and the view

More batches

Once upon a time they must have had electricity here

We continue!

Stunning, what a day!

Clyne’s Cottage

Pareidolia much?

Nevis Crossing, from here on it’s dead easy

Interesting landscape

A look back at the Nevis Valley

Rocky bits everywhere

More faces, in the rocks this time

And another one

Cromwell and Lake Dunstan

Getting the hang of it? I taught you to drive!
I love all the landscape there – the hills and the canyon like bits.